
Collapsible is an accordion element that expands when clicked on. They allow you to hide content that is not immediately relevant to the user. Buttons or anchors are used as triggers that are mapped to specific elements you toggle.


<Collapsible iconSize="medium">
  <div slot="header">About smart contracts</div>
    Advanced smart contracts process HTTP requests, control other chains, and
    scale infinitely.

With an external button

  let toggleContent: Function;

<button class="secondary toggleButton"
  on:click={() => toggleContent()}
  Press to toggle

<Collapsible iconSize="medium" expandButton={false} externalToggle={true} bind:toggleContent={toggleContent}>
  <div slot="header" class="header_div">
    Collapsible with external button
  <div class="content_text">
    This collapsible uses an external button element to toggle open its content.


Property Description Type Default
id Corresponding id of the content element, for selection purposes string or undefined undefined
initallyExpanded Initially collapsed or expanded boolean false
maxContentHeight Optional height that defines the maximum content height number or undefined undefined
iconSize Size of the icon: either small or medium string small
expandButton Whether to include an expand button boolean true
externalToggle To have an external toggle element boolean false
wrapHeight To have wrapped height boolean false


Slot name Description
header Summary header of the collapsible, usually displayed with an anchor button on the right.


Event Description
toggleContent A toggle content function that could be bound to an external element.


About smart contracts

Advanced smart contracts process HTTP requests, control other chains, and scale infinitely.

Collapsible with external button
This collapsible uses an external element to toggle open its content.